
If you have a pulse you have a purpose.

Pulse summer internship is designed to engage the mind and the heart.  Statistics say that 75-85% of students who graduate high school never darken the door of a church again.  It is for a lack of ownership of faith and for a lack of knowledge.  We desire to reverse that trend.  We believe that this can be changed.  Through deeply rooted faith and a strong foundation students can stand firm because of knowledge and not just emotional experience. 


Pulse internship is designated for those who know that a real relationship with God is more than just Sunday and Wednesday church.  When you go into a world who doesn’t believe, doesn’t care or value your beliefs how do you stand firm?  How can you stand strong and not be shaken? Hosea says my people are destroyed for a lack of Knowledge.  

  At Pulse, we do not just learn, we serve.  Our days begin with personal devotions, praise and worship, a message that speaks to the heart.  Then we move on to classes such as apologetics, faith boot camp, dealing with conflict and then in the afternoons we go serve the community.  

August 1-6

Summer Internship
Enroll Today