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Our History

Pastor Paul Shirek, the senior pastor of Faith Christian Church wanted to provide a space for people to grow in faith and knowledge of God beyond the Sunday/ Wednesday church experience.  He wanted create an intimate learning environment and have a program that gave people what they need to succeed in every area of life.  A full-time internship where people would learn, have time to seek God daily, and have immediate access to all the tools to succeed.  After looking at several options, we became a part of Masters Commission International a worldwide program that has been changing lives since 1984.  MCIN had what we were looking for and a proven pattern of success that we wanted to see in our community.  


Our Church

Faith Christian Church began as a bible study in someone’s living room.  What you see today is a culmination of steady work, never giving up and a lot of faith in God.  FCC began officially on Father’s day 1985.  From the basement of a bowling alley to our facilities today, we have seen God do some amazing things! 

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Our Directors

Donavon and Lori Blair are the directors for Pulse.  They have been in ministry for over 20 years and have served in several capacities.  They have 4 crazy kids that never sit still.  It was an easy decision for them to say yes to the call of starting this discipleship experience.  It has always been their desire to see God move mightily in the hearts of people.