Our History
Pastor Paul Shirek, the senior pastor of Faith Christian Church wanted to provide a space for people to grow in faith and knowledge of God beyond the Sunday/ Wednesday church experience. He wanted create an intimate learning environment and have a program that gave people what they need to succeed in every area of life. A full-time internship where people would learn, have time to seek God daily, and have immediate access to all the tools to succeed. After looking at several options, we became a part of Masters Commission International – a worldwide program that has been changing lives since 1984. MCIN had what we were looking for and a proven pattern of success that we wanted to see in our community.
Our Church
Faith Christian Church began as a bible study in someone’s living room. What you see today is a culmination of steady work, never giving up and a lot of faith in God. FCC began officially on Father’s day 1985. From the basement of a bowling alley to our facilities today, we have seen God do some amazing things!